
Main Menus

Thisbar is known as the menubar, which contains the main commands of MPCStar.

File Menu

  • Open File… (Ctrl+O): Open a video file from your PC for MPCStar to play.
  • Open DVD… (Ctrl+D): To play the video file from your inserted DVD.
  • Save Snapshot (F11): To capture a scene of the video as an image.
  • Save Thumbnails: To capture several snapshots and put them together as a whole picture that comprises small thumbnails.
  • Format Convert…: To convert the video file format so it can be played on iPhone, PSP and other devices.
  • File Info… (Ctrl+I): provides relevant information of the file's property; namely the name, type, size, length, etc.
  • Exit: To close MPCStar.

View Menu

  • Play/Pause (Space): To play/pause the video file.
  • Stop:To stop playing the video file.
  • Frame Step Forward (X): To step forward frame by frame.
  • Frame Step Backward (Y): To step backward frame by frame.
  • Seek Forward (Right): To skip the next 5 seconds.
  • Seek Backward (Left): Go back to 5 seconds before.
  • Jump to… (Ctrl + G): Insert a play time, the current scene will jump to that time.
  • Previous File (Page Up): Play the previous file in the playlist.
  • Next File (Page Down): Play the next file in the playlist.
  • Playback Speed: To set the playing speed, can be faster, slower, or normal. Ticking “Keep pitch” ensures sound unaffected during speed changes.

  • Play Order: To set the order of playing in playlist; alternatives include normal, repeat one, repeat all, and shuffle.

Video Menu

  • Video Setting Panel: To adjust the appearance of video files in terms of contrast, brightness, saturation, hue, and gamma.
  • Full Screen (Alt + Enter): To enter full screen mode.
  • Compact Mode (Alt + 0): To enter compact mode.

  • Zoom Window: To adjust the size of the window to 50%, 100%, or 200%.

Zoom Video: To adjust the video window.

  • Fit from inside: Aspect ratio remains the same, black edging retained.
  • Fir from outside: Aspect ratio remains the same, black edging disappeared, some part of the scene may be cut.
  • Stretch most part: Aspect ratio changed, black edging disappeared, some part of the scene may also be cut, but better than the last one.
  • Stretch to window: Scene's size fits the size of video window, regardless of aspect ratio.
  • Original AR, 4:3, 16:9: These are the aspect ratios of scene; changing this setting may impact the above 4 settings.

  • Video Rotate: To rotate the video window; rotation directions include turning left, turning right, turning 180 degrees, and vertical flip. Video window can be turned back to normal by selecting “Disable“.

Audio Menu

Volume Setting Panel: To control the type and volume of speakers.

  • Speaker volume: to control the volume of each speaker.
  • Audio boost: to boost (turn up) the volume of speakers. (Disabled since version 4.6)

  • Audio Channel: To choose the audio channel from left channel, right channel, or default.
  • Audio Language: To switch between audio languages which are available in some files.

  • Adjust Audio Offset: To adjust audio delay.

  • Speaker Setup: Selecting speakers from stereo, 2 front + 2 rear, and 5.1 surround.

  • Volume: To control the volume, commands include turning up/down the volume by 2.67%, and muting the sound.

Subtitle Menu

  • Load Subtitle Files…: To find and load the subtitle file from PC.
  • Search Subtitle Online: To search subtitle file from internet.
  • Subtitle Setting Panel: To manage subtitle location (on the top or bottom), to set horizontal and vertical offsets, and to edit font size.
  • Choose DVD Subtitle: When you're playing a video file from DVD, this setting allows you to load subtitle from the DVD.
  • Choose File Subtitle (top): Load top subtitle from PC.

  • Choose File Subtitle (bottom): Load bottom subtitle from PC.

  • Subtitle Resync: To edit settings of scrolling subtitles, subtitle delay, and subtitle adjustment.

Tools Menu

  • Playlist Panel (Ctrl + P): Check to show playlist and uncheck to hide.
  • Playlist Options:
    • Save Playlist When Exit: Playlist will be saved when exiting MPCStar, so you won't need to repeatedly create playlist everytime you open MPCStar.
    • Add Similar Files: When adding a file/files to playlist, similar files (start with the same word) in the folder will be recognised and automatically added into playlist.

Screen Saver

  • Enable: Screen Saver is enabled when a video file is playing.
  • Disable While palying: Screen Saver is disabled when a video file is playing..
  • Disable While Full-Screen Playing: Screen Saver is disabled only when a video file is full-screen playing.

Always on Top:

  • Never: MPCStar will be covered by other programs on the screen.
  • Always: MPCStar will never be covered by other programs on the screen.
  • Playing: MPCStar will be on the top whenever a video file is playing.

Auto Shutdown

  • Disable: PC will not be shutdown after the last files in the playlist finishes playing.
  • Standby after all files played: PC will standby after the last file in playlist finishes playing.
  • Hibernate after all files played: PC will hibernate after the last file in playlist finishes playing.
  • Shutdown after all files played: PC will shutdown after the last file in playlist finishes playing.

The decided action will be executed 60 seconds after the playlist finishes, with a pop-up window to confirm.


  • Languages: Users can switch MPCStar among different languages.
  • Help Translation: Users can help translating MPCStar from BBComet translation centre, detailed guide can be found here.

Options: Advanced settings. Please refer to Options for further details.

Help Menu

  • Homepage: Opens the homepage of MPCStar.
  • Forums: Directs to the support forum of MPCStar.
  • Check for Update: Checks available updates for MPCStar.
  • About: Lists relevant information of MPCStar, such as the version and copyright.

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main_menus.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/15 04:23 by
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