
File Types

  • File Type Association: The video formats MPCStar supports are all listed here. You can set MPCStar as default player for particular video files by ticking the boxes here.

Ticking the box above enables the default association.


Hotkey configuration allows users to set their own keyboard shortcuts. Double-click the action name to edit hotkey, and press Esc to cancel input.

  • Reset hotkeys for this action: cancel your own setting for ONE action, and resume the default.
  • Reset hotkeys for all actions: cancel your own setting for ALL actions, and resume the default.


Playing Control

  • Resume last playing position when open video.
    • Prompt when opening file: When opening a video file, you will be asked whether to start from where you stopped last time.
    • Enable: Automatically resume last playing position when open the video file.
    • Disable: Always start the video file from the beginning regardless where you stopped last time.
  • Display OSD in video window: OSD stands for “On-Screen Display”. OSD is the green coloured texts(refer to the picture below) on the left upper corner of video window, it appears everytime when a command is made. Untick the box will disable OSD display.

  • Default folder to save snapshot: To view and set the destination folder to save snapshots.
  • Forward/Rewind Range: To determine the range of fast forward or rewind.

Video Enhancement

  • Enable video setting panel: Video setting panel won't appear after unticking the box.
  • Enable subtitle display: To enable the loading and displaying of subtitle.


Tray Icon

  • Minimize to tray icon: MPCStar will disappear from taskbar and appear in notification area when minimised.
  • Always show tray icon: MPCStar's icon will appear in notification area all the time.

Program Starup

  • Allow multi players running at the same time: To simultaneously run more than 1 MPCStar.


Auto Updates

  • Check for updates every week: MPCStar will automatically search for updates and new version every week; a pop-up dialog will appear to notify updates or upgraded versions.
  • Download updates: Allows MPCStar to download updates automatically.

Auto Report

  • Report usage statistical information automatically: Reports number of users of MPCStar to our R&D for statistical use.


This option enables users to select the player skin they prefer by double-clicking the skin name.

A preview of the new skin will be provided once click on “Apply”.

The button “Edit” and “New“ are complicated and advanced settings of skin, which are more developer oriented. Simpler skin editor is under development and hope to be added in future versions.


Users can switch player language among English, simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese.

Please note, the Language section no longer exists since version 4.7.


Additional information of MPCStar are shown here. Clink the links will direct users to the homepage and support forum of MPCStar.

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options.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/15 04:23 by
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