
What is MPCStar

MPCSTAR is an all-in-one package of video player, audio player and many codecs.

  1. [VIDEO PLAYER] Tiger Player
  2. [AUDIO PLAYER] Comet Player
  3. [CODEC] ffdshow Codec Pack
  4. [CODEC] RealPlayer Codecs & ActiveX controls
  5. [CODEC] DirectVobSub (a.k.a. VSFilter)
  6. [CODEC] VGM2 Codecs
  7. [CODEC] Ogg Vorbis Codecs
  8. [CODEC] PMP Codecs
  9. [CODEC] TSCC Codecs
  10. [CODEC] Windows Media 9 Series Codecs

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introduction.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/15 04:23 (external edit)
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