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Help Translations of MPCStar

Supported Languages: 10 Languages

If you want to download a .po file (language file), go to and click on the language you need, then click on Translate, and select Download.

If you want to use one of these languages in the website, download it and save it to the lang sub-folder of the folder you installed MPCStar.

Help Translating MPCStar

As the users of MPCStar are worldwide and speak different language, developers of MPCStar are not capable to provide every kind of language that users speak, hence the BBComet Translation Center is created as a platform for our users to help translating MPCStar in two ways: online and offline.

Translate MPCStar Online in BBComet Translation Center

Please refer to the next section for off-line translation.

  1. Register/login your account at first and then continue.

    <html><br /></html>
  2. Open MPCStar (referred as tigerplayer) translation project in BBComet.

    <html><br /></html>
  3. Click on the language you'd like to translate.

    <html><br /></html>
  4. Click on the ,po file to start editing, or upload your own .po file.
help_translations_of_mpcstar.1280228500.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/15 04:23 (external edit)
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